Gene Express 提供最先进的基因分型服务,令消费者以至于任何人都能获得和理解自己的基因,并从中获益。

There's a common notion that, for men, if you want to figure out whether you'll go bald, you can look at your mother's father. There are many genetic inherited traits – for example, curly hair, tongue rolling, and eye colour. The gene determines the inheritance of each feature. Genes not only decide on our physical appearance, but they can also influence our fitness, health and skin condition. Health2DNA offers a broad, comprehensive DNA screening test. There are 188 reports categorised into ten modules, including health risk, lifestyle and drug guidance, weight management, skin beauty, etc. Now the package comes with a bonus ancestry report showing the percentage of your DNA from 45 populations.

GE HealthyMe 是为每个人量身定做的DNA测试,它以一种有趣和启发性的方式揭示了你隐藏的潜力和特点。通过30个不同参数的测试,您将发现从营养不足和食物敏感性到身心健康的各种专属信息。让自己有能力规划最佳的饮食和生活方式,打造最好的自己!
- Muscle Power
- Muscle Stamina
- VO2 Max
- Anaerobic Threshold
- Recovery
- Muscle Mass
- Injury
- Inflammation
- Lean body mass
- Power to Weight
- Exercise Effect on Weight
- Carbohydrates
- Unsaturated Fats
- Saturated Fats
- Protein
- Sugar Response
- Sweet Taste
- Bitter Taste
- Likelihood to snack
- Metabolic Rate
- Fat Distribution
- Yo Yo Diet Reponse
- Lactose Intolerance Risk
- Vitamins D
- Vitamin A
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Potassiumn
- Sodium
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin 12
- Folate
- Omega-3
- Calcium
- Choline
Health Risk
- Caffeine Sensitivity
- Genetic Bone Mineral Density
- Genetic Obesity Risk
- Genetic Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- Genetic Hypertension Risk
- Genetic Infection Risk(Cold/Flu)